Wednesday, May 6, 2009
DAY EIGHT. and SEVEN's winner...
Because she was the only one who did it this time around, Brianne wins with her status of:
"Brianne Perreten feels the distance between us could be over with a snap of your fingers. so quit chasing your tail and warm up your feet, mmk? put down that bottle now, you don't wanna miss out..."
Unless I missed someone, but I don't think I did. But I will admit that's it's totally possible because FB changed yet again.
Now there's a tie.
STEVEN has FOUR points.
BRIANNE has FOUR points.
BRIANNA has ONE point.
That bonus game thing for those missing points happens Friday night, so look for that. Steven will be with me (probably) when I post it, but he won't know anything about it any earlier than the rest of you...I will assure you of that.
So here's today's song...I know that this is not the actual video for this song...I don't think that they ever did one for it. Anyway, it made me a giggle a little bit.
Because really, everyone loves Spongebob, right? And let's face it: this song KICKS ASS. End of story. I'm so hoping that it's on the Eclipse soundtrack. Music for training a newborn vampire army, perhaps?
Monday, May 4, 2009
i lost track of the oh yes. it's DAY SEVEN. with the winner of SIX.
So in order to make it up to those of you who are playing this game, I've decided to make this one worth more than one point.
This one is worth TWO POINTS.
But first, here's the winner for DAY SIX, which was Thursday -- just in case you didn't remember.
Steven, with his status of:
"Steven 'Diesel' Anbro is a creepy little, sneaky little fly on YOUR waaaaaaall"
Scoreboard? I don't feel like
Oh wait. I do...
Since Thursday's was worth two points, that means that this is how it now stands.
Steven has FOUR points.
Brianne has THREE points.
Brianna has ONE point.
Everyone else has ZERO.
Here's the link to it...I've already hinted at this today in a status comment so some people know about it, but just in case you didn't already know...
There's also going to be a special little game tomorrow to make up for those lost days. A little "free for all" if you will...
More on that later.
Anyway, enjoy this song...I do.
"Brianne Perreten feels the distance between us could be over with a snap of your fingers. so quit chasing your tail and warm up your feet, mmk? put down that bottle now, you don't wanna miss out..."
Thursday, April 30, 2009 the winner of FIVE.
So here are the results.
DAY FIVE's winner is...Brianna (for the first time ever, might I add), with her status of:
"Brianna Nicole Nauman is bluffin with my muffin while your huffin and puffin."
Wow, that was funny. Enough said. By the way, it's funny when your status is about your "muffin" and people comment on
Scoreboard? Sure, why not.
Brianne has THREE points.
Steven has TWO points.
Brianna now has ONE point.
And everyone else still has ZERO.
Here's the info for today...
have fun with that one...and if youtube is still being stupid, just wait a little bit. it loaded the page but it didn't let me see the video, which is weird, but whatever.
Steven 'Diesel' Anbro is a creepy little, sneaky little fly on YOUR waaaaaaall"
"Brianna Nicole Nauman is conceited like Miley Cyrus and knows that you wish you could be with me every second of the day"
"Brianne Perreten knows what you talk about when you're with your friends just hanging out. i have the inside scoop on what to say, what to do. when i play the game, baby i can never lose. all your precious secrets, i know them all. i guess you could say i'm like a fly on the wall."
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
SIX. FIVE's winner too.
So the winner of DAY FIVE is...
Steven, with his status of:
"Steven 'Diesel' Anbro think's it's funny when a BEEP goes to BEEP and BEEP to BEEP and I don't give a BEEP so keep BEEP BEEP BEEP your BEEP and BEEP because your mom BEEP BEEP"
Seriously, if you want to win, use a "your mom" joke. That always works.
So here's the scoreboard as of right now.
Brianne is still winning with THREE points.
Steven is lagging less behind because now he has TWO points.
Everyone else is still at ZERO.
Here's the link for the next song...enjoy this one.
This was supposed to be easy. But of course, YouTube is causing problems. UPDATE: THERE IS A VIDEO NOW. YOU HAVE THE PEOPLE OVER AT MTV.COM TO THANK FOR THIS ONE, NOT THOSE YOUTUBE HOBOS. So I'm going to give you a picture that will tell you what the song is for today...

Song: "Poker Face"
Artist: Lady GaGa
"Steven 'Diesel' Anbro how do you wake up Lady GaGa? You Poker Face (say it fast. get it?)"
"Brianne ♕ Perreten is playing russian roulette. with a gun of course. what can i say, when it's not rough it isn't fun!"
"Brianna Nicole Nauman is bluffin with my muffin while your huffin and puffin."
"Jessica Lee Schwinn Mum mum mum Mah Mum mum mum Mah Mum mum mum Mah Mum mum mum Mah Mum mum mum Mah."
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
FIVE...and FOUR's winner...
YouTube is being really annoying to the world right now. Apparently they're performing "maintenance", whatever that means. So when I do get to the video revealing today's song, I'll be sure to post the announcement and link IN RED so you'll be able to see it clearly...
But we will get to the winner right now.
I was really conflicted between two of them. But I had to make a choice, so I did.
The winner of DAY FOUR is...
Brianne Perreten, with her status of...
"Brianne ♕ Perreten wants to do it doggy style so we can both watch x-files. i've had enough of two-hand touch, i want it rough, i'm out of bounds. come quicker than fedex never reach an apex like coca-cola stock i am inclined to make you rise an hour early just like daylight savings time."
I would just like to state (for the official record) that Brianna was a close second. But when I read them over again, I couldn't help but giggle a little too much at Brianne's.
I like statuses like these. People who don't recognize the lyrics think that you guys are totally messed up and I love it.
Anyway, score board time.
Brianne has THREE points. She's kicking everyone's ass frankly. This is what I have to say about this: DO SOMETHING ABOUT
Steven has ONE point, but I'm thinking of revoking it, as he sort of refused to participate today but then did...hmm. Decisions, decisions.
Everyone else is at ZERO. Don't keep it that way for long, friends.
Link is at the top this time. I hope you're confused...
Steven Anbro
"Steven 'Diesel' Anbro think's it's funny when a BEEP goes to BEEP and BEEP to BEEP and I don't give a BEEP so keep BEEP BEEP BEEP your BEEP and BEEP because your mom BEEP BEEP"
Brianne Perreten
"Brianne ♕ Perreten 's gonna do her thang while you're playing with your ...."
Jessica Lee Schwinn
"Jessica Lee Schwinn thinks "Every boy's the same Since up in the seventh grade They been trying to get with me Trying to (Ha, ha-ha, ha, ha-ha) They always got a plan To be my one and only man Want to hold me with their hands Want to (Ha, ha-ha, ha, ha-ha) I keep turning them down But, they always come around Asking me to go around That's not the way it's going down""
Monday, April 27, 2009
FOUR...and the winner of DAY THREE.
So that's what I did. But then I woke up and realized that I hadn't done the song thing yet. But then I got tired and fell asleep before I could post it.
So I'm doing it now.
THE WINNER OF DAY THREE...Brianne Perreten, with her status of
"Brianne ♕ Perreten straightens her hair and has a henna tattoo. i wanna snap your neck and spit on you, but i think i'll just shrug my shoulders and say "whatev." BTW i'm now a computer hacker, and i've deleted your myspace page, your band's myspace page, and your facebook page. happy networking asshole."
It was funny, and the reactions of the confused people who commented were even
Okay. So here's the rundown.
Brianne has 2 points, but in no way does this mean she's winning. Sure, she might be now, but talk to her in a couple of days
Steven has a point.
Everyone else is sitting at zero. Go ahead and change that.
Here's the song for today, April 27, 2009.
A LOT of you will like this
Good luck!
Steven Anbro
"Steven 'Diesel' Anbro is not participating in Emily's game today, but is instead watching animals on the Discovery Channel."
Brianne Perreten
"Brianne ♕ Perreten wants to do it doggy style so we can both watch x-files. i've had enough of two-hand touch, i want it rough, i'm out of bounds. come quicker than fedex never reach an apex like coca-cola stock i am inclined to make you rise an hour early just like daylight savings time."
Carrie Eikum
"Carrie Eikum wants you covered like her Waffle House hash browns."
Brianna Nicole Nauman
"Brianna Nicole Nauman Regardless of the fact that we are mammals I do not want to do you like they do it on the discovery channel... in fact I'd rather not do you ever... you will NEVER have me smothered like some waffle house hash browns"
Sunday, April 26, 2009 TWO's winner...April 26, 2009
But there still needs to be a winner announced in this
The winner of DAY THREE is...
Brianne Perreten, with her status of:
"Brianne ♕ Perreten ATTENTION EVERYONE: a boombox is not a toy. it can cause a bunch of old people to fuck like rabbits, and the smell will make you want to puke in the sink. the fingerless gloves are kinda cool though..."
It was harder this time to choose the winner because you all were super funny. Good job. This is what we want to see from now on. I WANT to laugh at your statuses. I WANT other people to go "WTF?" because I laugh at
Anyway, here's the scoreboard so far.
Steven has 1 point.
Brianne has 1 point.
Everyone else is sitting at zero. But you can change that -- all you have to do is have a funny
Oh, and here's the song for today, April 26, 2009.
The statuses -- thus far.
Jessica Lee Schwinn
"Jessica Lee Schwinn "No big deal, I've only witnessed you sitting on the couch Watching Next in your undies,But its cool that you act like you have no idea who I am." Fyi I talked about zooey yesterday "MBPS is a relatively uncommon condition that involves the exaggeration or fabrication of illnesses or symptoms by a primary caretaker. One of the most harmful forms of child abuse ,was named after Baron von Munchhausen.""
Carrie Eikum
"Carrie Eikum 's mother thinks you're in the closet"
Brianne Perreten
"Brianne ♕ Perreten straightens her hair and has a henna tattoo. i wanna snap your neck and spit on you, but i think i'll just shrug my shoulders and say "whatev." BTW i'm now a computer hacker, and i've deleted your myspace page, your band's myspace page, and your facebook page. happy networking asshole."
Steven Anbro
"Steven 'Diesel' Anbro have we met before? oh yeah, I think we have...the last time I went swamp diving and stumbled upon your butter-nut squash raviolli filled lair"
Saturday, April 25, 2009
DAY DAY ONE's winner...
Anyway...I have to pick a winner...out of the three people who did it.
They were actually all funny. I actually didn't understand Carrie's...until Steven kindly explained it to me. Then I understood and laughed at it. But enough of that.
The winner of DAY ONE is...
STEVEN, with his status of
"Steven 'Diesel' Anbro all the time I turn around, ya'll gathered round, always looking at me up and down, looking at my CHEESEBURGERS!!!"
Steven now has 1 point. The rest of you have no points. But there's still plenty of time for you to catch up...
And here's the song for today, April 25, 2009.
Have fun!
UPDATE: Here are the statuses thus far.
Steven Anbro
"Steven 'Diesel' Anbro is playin GTA, facing off against the cops with mah BOOMBOX, and all that's left is a smoldering pile of BOILED GOOSE. Then me and all those old white people started dancin"
Carrie Eikum
"Carrie Eikum is picturing a bunch of business men stuffed in the boardroom like pigs in a pen."
Brianne Perreten
"Brianne ♕ Perreten ATTENTION EVERYONE: a boombox is not a toy. it can cause a bunch of old people to fuck like rabbits, and the smell will make you want to puke in the sink. the fingerless gloves are kinda cool though..."
Jessica Lee Schwinn
"Jessica Lee Schwinn "But then I walk in the room, hold my boombox high And what happened next, will blow your mind" (Watching Jimmy Fallon in my pjs, worrying bout the madden curse, the Deschanel sisters are awesome, pissed I didn't get Neiko Case tickets, damn I'm gonna have to clean , damn there now letting endangered animals out of zoos now, wow the economy sucks, NFL Draft, Hugh Jackman is sexy, ........"
Friday, April 24, 2009
The first official round of the FB Status Game.
Give me your best lines people...update your FB statuses. Your first status update having to do with the song is your submission, so choose wisely friends...
Good luck!
Steven Anbro
"Steven 'Diesel' Anbro all the time I turn around, ya'll gathered round, always looking at me up and down, looking at my CHEESEBURGERS!!!"
Samantha Cox
Jessica Lee Schwinn
Frances Tosca
Kristy Porter
Carrie Eikum
"Carrie Eikum hopes Emily is looking at her "uh"."
Julie Rausch
Brianna Nicole Nauman
Brianne Perreten
Brianne ♕ Perreten is d to the e to the l-i-c-i-o-u-s, but not promiscuous. in case you were suspicious. *muah!*
Laura Wiski
Natalie Sauer
Hanna Erickson
Lizzy Schnabel
Carissa Helen Prieve
Friday, April 17, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
I had a fun day.
I saw 2 movies today. Here's the rundown.
I have to say, I actually thought that this was a good movie. I thought that it would be horrible and that it wouldn't do justice to the show (which I watch...sometimes), but it was actually enjoyable. I know that most people don't like Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus, but it was actually particularly tolerable. And I laughed, which I didn't think that I would do.
BEST PART: Tyra Banks making a fool out of herself -- multiple
OMFG. That's all there is to say about this movie. Seth Rogen is always hilarious, and this time he doesn't disappoint. Anna Faris is great in this movie too -- she's a REALLY funny girl. I have to say that while O & R isn't as great as some other Seth Rogen movies (Pineapple Express for sure was better), it's awesome. A super funny movie. If you want to see something that will make you piss your pants for sure, this is the movie to
BEST PART: Seth Rogen's epic battle at the Crossroads (a.k.a. the worst drug corner in town) with 6 crack dealers...enough said. Oh, and he arrests a kid for trying to sell him
So up next for the weekend is Fast & Furious and Adventureland...hobo and I are celebrating KStew's birthday...3 days late. On Easter Sunday. But whatever. We're still celebrating...
On the agenda right now? Converting movies for our iPods, eating some food and watching Clueless. Yes.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
So wow.
all of that hell that went into TWILIGHT weekend paid off. things didn't go exactly as planned, but it was still awesome. i have to tell you, watching that hilarious commentary at 3 in the morning was the greatest thing ever. but i'm not going to go into detail about that, mainly because i haven't actually finished listening to it yet. i'll save that for another post.
sam's birthday weekend was another escapade, complete with pretty shoes and losing oh, and then the awkwardness of the hotel room and the laptop incident and all of the giggling until like 3am. and then the bacon the next morning, which was yummy. i almost forgot the twilight escape outfits...those were awesome. team edward and the cullen crest. of course.
so there were those weekends and then there was this last weekend, which was supposed to be equally as epic. but it wasn't. because i guess someone felt like they couldn't tell me the truth and lied to me instead. and then i found out that this certain someone lied from my best someone, who got it out of the one who's name won't be mentioned. and i was pissed because i was supposed to have fun after work, and then i didn't. but at like 1230 in the morning on sunday, fun came in the form of a VERY interesting conversation with another certain somebody (i'm not naming names people). sure, it was maybe a little tiny bit of a drunk conversation (he was, not me) but made me giggle, which was something i guess i needed.
i'm still mad. and apparently my mother thinks that i shouldn't be. but whatever. here's something for those of you who read this and actually know me -- just for future reference. DON'T LIE TO ME. i'd actually rather hear whatever horrible thing that comes out of your mouth. no matter what it is. i'm actually really good at keeping secrets. you can really trust me with just about anything. the only one i'm likely to blab to is steven, and (just so you know) there are some things that i don't tell him. if you ask me not to, i won't.
well enough of the ranting. because this so called person who i'm mad at won't see this, so i'll stop being such a major bitch nugget. this weekend is going to probably top sam's birthday weekend. however, it will not and probably can't top twilight weekend, because...well let's face it -- nothing will ever top that weekend. not until november at least.
hobo and i (the nugget) are going to party like it's 1999 (but not really). with the exception of the forever nagging of the fact that i'm supposed to work on saturday, i'm free all weekend. but in reality, i couldn't even work saturday if i wanted to (which would NEVER happen) because the family is doing Easter a day early because my aunt and uncle are going out of town for the real thing on sunday. so forgetting about the work thing, it's going to be epic. full of awesomeness, but that's who we are -- we can't help it.
first things first. friday night will be (hopefully) awesome. starting early however, so not really the night. more like the afternoon. but still. definitely one, possibly 2 movies that day. if there's no work on saturday, another movie will happen then. here's the gameplan: OBSERVE AND REPORT, FAST AND FURIOUS and ADVENTURELAND. not particularly in that order, but that's a possibility. because i love seth rogen and anna faris, i have nothing (and i mean NOTHING) against vin diesel and paul walker driving fast cars, and both hobo and i LOVE THE KSTEW.
movies are currently showing up at my house left and right. i ordered them from and they just keep showing up. "harry potter and the goblet of fire (2 disc special edition)" showed up at the house yesterday, and today the epicness that is the KSTEW movie "the cake eaters" showed up today. i'm still waiting on 5 movies -- the rest of the hp series (1-3 and 5, all 2 discs) and fierce people. oh wow. did i mention that i got all of these movies, brand new, for 70 bucks, including shipping? i know, it's awesome.
oh, and today, my sister made me open all of the movies that i still hadn't touched yet. it's not that i don't want to watch them, it's just that i don't really have time. i think that there are only a couple of ones that i've bought recently that i haven't watched...they were just all sitting
i think that this is the longest post on this blog that i've ever done. wow. holy cow. i just looked around me, and i really need to clean my room and sort out some i also need to work on fixing my itunes library...yet again. and i have to do some laundry and figure out what i'm wearing for easter. oh dear. and i just saw eminem's new music video, and i think i may have lizzed in my pants a
oh, and i know this is going to seem like some sort of apocalyptic event, but i am seeing the hannah montana movie on friday during the day...i know. but i'm actually kind of curious. i keep telling people that it's stupid, but i'm seeing it...oops.
oh. last thing. apparently ET is on set in Vancouver getting exclusive stuff from the peeps who are working up there on New Moon. footage is supposed to air sometime soon...yay! our first peek at what is bound to be an amazing movie...i can't wait.
here's what i'll leave you with.
"i won't tell you that i love you. kiss and hug you. 'cause i'm bluffin', with my muffin. i'm not lying, i'm just stunnin' with my love glue-gunnin'. just like a chick in the casino, take your bank before i pay you out. i promise this, promise this. check this hand 'cause i'm marvelous."
oh GaGa.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Why me? F my l.
So how is it that when something like that happens to you, you can't manage to get it right?
I acted like a complete and utter douche about it. And all I really wanted to do was scream YES at the top of my lungs.
Instead, I made up some lame excuse about how I couldn't, and how I would make it up to him. But I can't make it up to him. He leaves tomorrow.
I just officially broke my own heart.
Why did this happen today? Yesterday, I would've been all over it. But tonight is not good for anyone. This major party is tomorrow, and I have a house to clean. But I don't want to clean. I want to be wearing pretty heels and a dress and laughing my ass off. But I'm not.
Because apparently, I am a douche. And a big one at that.
I'm going to be baking by myself tomorrow now, which I guess is better. Even though it would've been SO much fun to bake with Liz, I feel like I'll get it done faster if I do it myself.
Those invites never got finished and therefore never went out via email...oops. I think I'll try to finish them and print them out tonight so people can see them tomorrow at the party...
Speaking of tomorrow, there's still a LOT of cleaning that has to be done in this house. My room needs to be finished, the basement needs to be taken care of and the upstairs needs some work as well. I have NO idea what we're doing for food...okay maybe I do. I've decided that for a beverage at a Twilight party, nothing is more appropriate than something that looks like blood. So I'm thinking Hawaiian's more red than cranberry juice and it tastes yummy! And then I'm thinking mushroom ravioli (for Bella, of course)...and a Jack's pizza for Steven because he doesn't eat normal
Oh, and pink cake and Team cupcakes for after we come home! Speaking of the cupcakes, I still have to figure out how the graphic on those is going to look...
Today I had a fantastic and very unproductive day with Liz. We ate sushi and ran around MOA for a bit. Tomorrow the hell begins...
- I wake up. I freak out because I realize what day it is. Then I sort of panic because there's still a lot left to do.
- First things first -- a shower.
- All of the baking has to get done. Cupcakes and the overly obnoxious pink cake.
- Finish cleaning the house.
Hopefully here, there'll be a little down time before Sam gets to the house. - When Sam does get to the house, we'll have a little less than 2 hours to run to Kohl's , Rosedale Mall and possibly Target. Sam and I both still need shoes, so that's why we're going to the mall. We already looked at Kohl's...and nothing.
- After the shoes are found, and we get what we need from Target (if we actually have to go -- and that'll only happen if I don't go tonight) it's a race back to the house to have everything ready by the time people are supposed to get here at 5. I think I'm going to change the time to 5:30 though, just to be on the safe side.
- After that, it's going to be a crazy night. One that won't have a Too crazy for that...but a LOT of fun.
And I just did something that made me feel like a complete and utter retard. Because I don't know how long I've waited for it to happen. And when it did happen, I said no. Aw, hell. FML.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
School is driving me nuts (and now I'll officially admit that). My spring break isn't until the end of this month, but I look at that in a positive way because it means that I won't have any homework during Sam's birthday weekend.
If you think I'm just complaining because I'm lazy, you're only half right. So to make you understand, here's what I have to do in these cra-zay upcoming weeks.
- Invite for the Twilight party this upcoming weekend has to be finished and sent out -- TODAY. Yikes.
- The entire house has to be clean by Friday. Actually, it probably has to be clean by Thursday, and that's before I leave to go have sushi with Liz at MOA.
- Thursday is probably going to be a Target run for everything party related. Decorations, food and other fun stuff needs to get to the house.
- I'm still contemplating the costume. And sometime this week, if at all possible, I need to test out the Alice hair theory.
- Friday -- as much as it's going to be probably the BEST DAY EVER -- is going to be a hell day. Costume has to be figured out then. Liz is (hopefully) coming over to help me bake. Decorations have to go up. Everything has to be clean. I have to remember to hook up the DVD player so we can actually watch the movie when we get back to the house. For me, Friday is SO getting a schedule. I'm not usually one to stay on time or on task, but it needs to happen on Friday. Nothing can go wrong because this day and night and party has to be perfect. It just has to be.
- Saturday still needs plans. I have absolutely no idea what's happening yet. I thought about a trip to MOA, but since Liz and I are heading out there on Thursday, I have no idea if we're going again. But I'm sure that we'll figure it out. We never really plan stuff anyway.
I haven't even gotten to the part about Sam's birthday weekend. Frankly, it's because we don't really know what's going on yet. We were supposed to go see Adventureland on Friday the 27th, but the release date got pushed back a week so that's now a no-go. But I'm sure it'll get figured out eventually, even if it happens to be last minute...
But amidst all of that crazyness, there has been some calm. And by calm, I mean good stuff.
- I WILL have my new Twilight calendar on Tuesday. Because they shipped it on Friday. Considering it was supposed to be released on St. Patrick's Day (which is Tuesday, FYI) and it was out at Borders the other day, it's about time for that new calendar. It's not that I hate the one that I have now -- because I love it. And it took me a LONG time to get it. But it was worth it. This new calendar doesn't become useable until December
- I still have to order the Director's Notebook. I can't believe I haven't done that That's like the one thing I was overly excited for (except for the DVD of course).
- Sam and I are getting the 3 disc version of Twilight, courtesy of Target. It was supposed to only be available in Canada-land, but then I saw it was at Target too. Score! And it's only costing us $17.99. UNBELIEVABLE. It's awesome.
- Sam and I have had our mittens for a week and a day now. They're actually getting some use because it hasn't exactly been all that warm and sunny around here lately. But I kind of hope that it does get that way. Because I'm really looking forward to ditching my wool coat for something more awesome...
So in summary...
Clean the house. Clean the room. Clean everything. Sushi. MOA. Liz. Friday. Baking. Target. Decorations. Costume. Movie. Calendar. Mittens. Par-tay!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Holy Batman Crap.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
So no TX.
And I was sad. I was bummed that we weren't going. And not only was I sad because we weren't going, but I was also sad that we wouldn't be able to have the ridiculous amount of fun that we would've had on the road trip down there.
I had kind of forgotten about it until today. I saw a link on the New Moon website. I didn't really read it because I never do. But I kind of read it. But then I accidentally moved pages and it was gone. So I went back a page, hoping it would still be there, and it was!
So here's the alternative. Instead of going to Texas for the fun that would've been TwiCon, we're going to go to the convention that's being held here! Yes, that's right. They're having one in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota. I guess the city is just THAT cool. It's earlier in July (17-19, Friday to Sunday) and sounds like just as much fun.
Driving to and around in Minneapolis is kind of like a road trip itself, so I'm guessing that will be an enormous amount of fun.
It's WAY too much to explain on here. So read all of the details on the website for the convention. Where is it, you ask? Why, here. I'm nice enough to post a link. LOL.
So in summary: we're going, it's going to be awesome, and I'm probably going to get to meet Ashley Greene and Kellan Lutz. How cool is that?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Still waiting...
This was a pointless post. I am aware of that. More tomorrow, I promise. I really have to get to bed now.
There's some cool New Moon news tomorrow for you guys too...
Friday, February 6, 2009
Here's an exclusive...
I'm still debating on what songs to use in most places (all of which have now been figured out -- for now, I think it's 18 total. But that could very well change, depending on whether or not I change where I think songs should go).
But there is one that I'm sure of. It's for the credits. We have learned that good songs come during the credits. Both "Decode" and "Leave Out All The Rest" (by Paramore and Linkin Park, respectively) were only featured in the credits and not in the rest of the movie (which is odd, considering "Decode" was written specifically for Twilight. But it did have perfect placement. Anywhere in the movie would've seemed weird, seeing as it is definitely a song that relies heavily on vocals and guitar. Simply stated, it wouldn't have fit anywhere in the movie perfectly like the other songs did.).
Which brings us to my pick for the credits...
"Hallelujah" by Paramore.
If you haven't heard it, go buy the entire album and listen to it all of the way through. I love this song, and I think that it's perfect for the situation at the end of the movie. You can read the lyrics here.
So that's your little sneak-peek. More soon...I promise. The list of where I think there should be songs will be going up here soon, hopefully followed by my version of the soundtrack.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
so this is intriguing...and yes, that is how you spell it. i looked it up.
There is going to be a New Moon teaser on the Blu-Ray edition of Twilight, so I'm guessing that the people at Summit Entertainment are going to be nice and put it on the DVD that comes with the soundtrack. It's only my guess, and I guess I say it because that's what I really want.
If it is the New Moon teaser, beware. There's not going to be any sort of footage or anything, seeing as they won't have started principle photography by then. Most likely, if it is there, it'll be some sort of sneak-peek to the script, or an interview (or interviews) with some of the cast and production crew.
Oh, and another thing. and maybe this is just for me, but maybe it's not. Since I am going to St. Cloud to study film, this book will be a good thing for me. Plus, it's like behind the scenes info that wouldn't have been out there if Catherine Hardwicke hadn't written it down. Check it out here at Amazon. There's a more in-depth detailing here. It is a book full of director's notes and sketches, so I guess that's why I'm more excited about it. But it still is really a cool insight into the making of the movie. And it's bound to have those hilarious behind the scenes pictures that everyone wants to see...
Here's the cover...pretty cool.

Some help?
Obviously, I'm still planning on keeping it neutral, either with the brown or either shade of the crazy colors here.
**February 6 -- I took down Option #1. I decided I didn't like it as much as I liked the other two.**
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Well this is random...
I had the most wonderful day with my mother today. She had to work for a few hours so I volunteered to go in with her and sit at the gift shop, which is all volunteer. I didn't get paid for it, but that wasn't a big deal to me. I just sat in there and started reading Dead Before Dark, which is the first of the series that the new HBO series True Blood is based on. There are currently 8 books in the series (book 9 comes out in May of this year), and I have to say that I was loving it. But I only read like 20 pages. Then I started reading New Moon (I know -- again!). I figured that it might be helpful to re-read it considering I'm putting my NM soundtrack up soon. I attempted to figure out where songs should go, but that's as far as I got. As of now, there are only about 6 spots where I figured songs should go. However, I only got to the pivotal part of the book when Edward leaves Bella, so there is plenty of book left to "song".
So after my mother was finished at work, we headed to Rosedale Mall to eat lunch and get my iPod fixed. We ate at Ruby Tuesday's, which was amazing, and then headed to the Apple store. In summary, I had scrumptious turkey burgers and apparently my iPod should be fixed. Yay on both ends then (if the iPod is actually fixed, that is). Then, after my appointment at Apple, my mother wanted to shop. And shop she did. I actually controlled myself and escaped the mall with 1 bag from Borders. Sure, it may have been a bag with $50 worth in it, but still.
After the mall, we had to come home and get my sister. Then we headed to the Hallmark store in The Village, where I picked up some OH-SO-IMPORTANT supplies for Sam's birthday. Then it was off to GameStop, where I bought Guitar Hero World Tour (after learning that my Rock Band instruments will work with it). Then it was off to Target, where I found the bedding that I'd been hoping to find...more on that later.
So now I'm home, working on homework and blogging. And that's always fun. And now I'm off to do some more homework and maybe play a little World Tour later...
Saturday, January 31, 2009
oh the fun.
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Just a few New Moon rumblings...
Some things from the site:
Kelly Clarkson is a Twilight saga fan.
Well of course she is. Who in their right mind isn't? This is great in my brain. Kelly always has been and always will be my favorite AI winner. A sorry goes out to Carrie Underwood, but as the saying goes, you just don't mess with Texas (that's Kelly's home-state) or the original American Idol...
New Moon Soundtrack News.
Apparently, it could be more experimental. I guess Chris Weitz likes to be surprised by music for his movies, so Music Supervisor Alexandra Patsavas has a LOT of work ahead of her. I know one thing for sure though: the soundtrack WILL be amazing. There's no doubt about it. And of course, Stephenie Meyer's favorite band Muse and everybody's favorite band Paramore are expected to be on the soundtrack as well (in case you didn't know, both bands were featured on Twilight's soundtrack, with Paramore having written 2 songs specifically for the movie). I don't want to offer suggestions or anything, but I am going to make my own version of the soundtrack and hopefully post it up here soon. I am going to suggest one song though: "Need" by Hana Pestle. If you haven't heard it, you should, and then jump on the Hana bandwagon to help her get her song on the soundtrack. (If you've never heard of her, she's 19, from Montana, and amazing. She wrote "Need" in 2005 when she was 15. The song is so absolutely PERFECT for New Moon, it's not even funny. Oh, and by the way? Song = written in 2005. New Moon = published 2006. So she wrote THE perfect song before the book was even out. Nice.)
The 5 Most Anticipated Scenes of New Moon.
So those fan sites have their lists, and they're great and all. But I have mine.
5. "The Vote" - I don't know about you, but I'm REALLY excited to hear Kellan Lutz shout out, "Hell yeah!". Just the dynamic of the scene is enough to make me want to see it, and what Emmett says is icing on the cake.
4. Laurent's Death - If James' death was any indication, this is going to be spectacular. Werewolves, vampires and Bella - oh my. **I will admit that the earlier version of this post was WRONG. And I am sorry to Stephenie Meyer for that. I was thinking of when Edward and Seth kill Victoria in Eclipse. It's the werewolves that end up ripping apart Laurent.** I do like Laurent, don't get me wrong, but he had to die. And so he did. And Edi Gathegi is sure to make this scene as bad-ass as it can possibly be. ("Hello. My name is Laurent. Have you seen my abs?" LOL.)
3. Italy - Everything about Italy I'm excited for. And the fact that the locations they'll use are going to be authentic (Kristen Stewart recently confirmed that they are indeed filming in Italy) makes me even more excited. It's going to be amazingly beautiful scenery with an even better storyline. I can't wait to see the village of Volterra and the Volturi compound (I didn't know what else to call
2. Edward Leaves Bella - I know that this should be my number one. And in a way, I suppose it is. But on this list, it is number 2 for a reason. Number one is really good, I promise. Anyway, this is bound to be the saddest part of the movie. I'm going to cry, that I already know. Luckily, when we see the midnight premiere in theaters I'll be sitting next to Sam, who I know will cry too, therefore making me feel like less of a dork. Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart will get to showcase their acting talents in this scene, and of course it's on everyone's list as a must see because it's a pivotal part of the story.
1. Bella's Birthday Party - I know what you're thinking: "How is Bella's birthday party going to top Edward leaving Bella?" And I have the answer. Based on the description that Stephenie Meyer gives in the book ("Alice, I assumed, had covered every flat surface with pink candles and dozens of crystal bowls filled with hundreds of roses. There was a table with a white cloth draped over it next to Edward's grand piano, holding a pink birthday cake, more roses, a stack of glass plates, and a small pile of silver-wrapped presents. It was a hundred times worse than I'd imagined."), it's going to be the girliest birthday party ever, something Bella wouldn't ever want or set up for herself. And it's not just the set that makes me want to see this scene either. This is another major part of the story -- Jasper attacks Bella after she gives herself a papercut while opening one of her presents. That whole fiasco is what leads Edward to believe that he and the family need to leave to keep Bella safe. Ashley Greene should be hilarious in this scene, with all of her Alice peppy-ness. And I'm looking out for Jackson Rathbone too, as he's going to get to play a whole new Jasper -- one that attacks his brother's girlfriend.
*ReelzChannel, which is a cable channel dedicated to movies and movie news, has a complete listing of the scenes some fan sites are dying to see. I've read some of the comments, and it seems like people are getting some pretty good ideas. Like this chick:
01/29/09 06:37 PM
Hopefully, ALL of the scenes listed above will be included. I'd like to add three more. 1 - the scene where Jacob and Bella almost kiss and Bella is hesitating and the phone rings because Edward is calling. 2 - the scene where Rosalie calls Edward to tell him that Bella is dead (I know that this did not take place in the book, but Stephenie Meyer did write it as an extra and posted it on her website and it was amazing). Since they add scenes anyways that are not in the book, why not add one that Stephenie did write?! 3 - after the vote, when Edward takes her back to her room and cleverly comes up with a way to postpone her turning into a vampire by offering to turn her himself if she will marry him first. The proposal must be in the movie!!!"
I'm totally in agreement about the phone scene. If they did need something to take up some time in the movie, why not make it this scene? (If you haven't read it yet, head here and read it for yourself. It's just some banter, but Stephenie Meyer did write it, which means it would be accepted by fans of the saga everywhere.) And I also think that the "sort-of" proposal should be in the movie as well, including everything that Edward does say to Bella (line for line, or as close as possible). It's not the true proposal, but it still counts as one. And it should be there.
So leave comments. Your top 5 scenes, soundtrack ideas, any thoughts like that.
Make it fun.
And make it work! (Ha. I love Tim Gunn.)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Don't hate.

Umm...I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this one yet.
Pro: Visually, I think she'd make a good Leah. Better than any of the other names they're throwing around (i.e.: another Disney Channel "princess", Brenda Song, who's Asian. Yes, I went there and made that reference ;) ). She's not exactly a perfect actress. She's also not six feet tall either. But the height thing doesn't really seem to factor into who the casting director has been choosing (How, you ask? Taylor Lautner almost lost his role but kept it because Jacob is supposed to seriously grow between Twilight and New Moon. Ashley Greene was cast as Alice Cullen even though she's about a foot taller than Alice is supposed to be. See? The height thing is clearly not at the top of the requirement list for casting.). I just think people hate this idea because she's branded as "Disney". But people have to realize that if she's Leah, there is NO Disney involved. Leah's hardcore -- she's a wolf, people.
Con: She's Disney. Everything she's ever done has been Disney. She hasn't branched out yet, and everytime someone hears her name, they think, "Oh geez. That chick from High School Musical again..." She's not exactly brilliant at her craft either. She can be whiney at times.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that if it was between her and some other bitch, you'd have to go with her. Because now that Twilight has been a major success, no one in the cast is a nobody anymore. There are other rumors going around that Dakota Fanning is being cast as Jane. No offense to anybody, but we all know that Vanessa Hudgens isn't as famous as Dakota Fanning. DF would be more of a distraction to us all, not to mention whatever fool they'd have to get to play her twin brother Alec.
Look at it this way: she IS Native American, which is something that can't be ignored with Leah. Her height won't make a difference on camera -- if it did, Taylor Lautner wouldn't be coming back. There are ways to make things look real when they're not; that's the beauty of movie magic.
I'm not saying that I would ultimately pick her to play Leah. But if she does get the part, I really hope she doesn't screw it up. If she can pull it off, it'll be fantastic for her career. Maybe she'll finally get that HSM st

My ultimate pick for Leah, you ask? Kristin Kreuk. She isn't Native American (her father is Dutch and her mother is Chinese), but she looks like she is. She looks like she could pull it off. Everyone loved her in Smallville, and we haven't seen her much since. A lot of people on message boards and such are suggesting her name, and that is something that I would be all for. Come on, who didn't love her on Smallville?