So today I had a good day. I think this is going to be my first blog on this post that isn't (all) Twilight
I had the most wonderful day with my mother today. She had to work for a few hours so I volunteered to go in with her and sit at the gift shop, which is all volunteer. I didn't get paid for it, but that wasn't a big deal to me. I just sat in there and started reading Dead Before Dark, which is the first of the series that the new HBO series True Blood is based on. There are currently 8 books in the series (book 9 comes out in May of this year), and I have to say that I was loving it. But I only read like 20 pages. Then I started reading New Moon (I know -- again!). I figured that it might be helpful to re-read it considering I'm putting my NM soundtrack up soon. I attempted to figure out where songs should go, but that's as far as I got. As of now, there are only about 6 spots where I figured songs should go. However, I only got to the pivotal part of the book when Edward leaves Bella, so there is plenty of book left to "song".
So after my mother was finished at work, we headed to Rosedale Mall to eat lunch and get my iPod fixed. We ate at Ruby Tuesday's, which was amazing, and then headed to the Apple store. In summary, I had scrumptious turkey burgers and apparently my iPod should be fixed. Yay on both ends then (if the iPod is actually fixed, that is). Then, after my appointment at Apple, my mother wanted to shop. And shop she did. I actually controlled myself and escaped the mall with 1 bag from Borders. Sure, it may have been a bag with $50 worth in it, but still.
After the mall, we had to come home and get my sister. Then we headed to the Hallmark store in The Village, where I picked up some OH-SO-IMPORTANT supplies for Sam's birthday. Then it was off to GameStop, where I bought Guitar Hero World Tour (after learning that my Rock Band instruments will work with it). Then it was off to Target, where I found the bedding that I'd been hoping to find...more on that later.
So now I'm home, working on homework and blogging. And that's always fun. And now I'm off to do some more homework and maybe play a little World Tour later...
R.I.P. Roberto Orci 1973 - 2025
1 week ago
Ok, so what is this bedding? Is it something I will roll my eyes at? Because it IS from Target, which implies possible eye-rolling. Hopefully your iPod is fixed, because that would be one hot mess if it wasn't.