it's been awhile since i've posted. just a warning for this post -- i don't feel like using proper capitalization right now, so i'm not going to. and i might go a little crazy and forget an apostrophe or spell a word wrong too (i know -- i'm SO dangerous)...
all of that hell that went into TWILIGHT weekend paid off. things didn't go exactly as planned, but it was still awesome. i have to tell you, watching that hilarious commentary at 3 in the morning was the greatest thing ever. but i'm not going to go into detail about that, mainly because i haven't actually finished listening to it yet. i'll save that for another post.
sam's birthday weekend was another escapade, complete with pretty shoes and losing oh, and then the awkwardness of the hotel room and the laptop incident and all of the giggling until like 3am. and then the bacon the next morning, which was yummy. i almost forgot the twilight escape outfits...those were awesome. team edward and the cullen crest. of course.
so there were those weekends and then there was this last weekend, which was supposed to be equally as epic. but it wasn't. because i guess someone felt like they couldn't tell me the truth and lied to me instead. and then i found out that this certain someone lied from my best someone, who got it out of the one who's name won't be mentioned. and i was pissed because i was supposed to have fun after work, and then i didn't. but at like 1230 in the morning on sunday, fun came in the form of a VERY interesting conversation with another certain somebody (i'm not naming names people). sure, it was maybe a little tiny bit of a drunk conversation (he was, not me) but made me giggle, which was something i guess i needed.
i'm still mad. and apparently my mother thinks that i shouldn't be. but whatever. here's something for those of you who read this and actually know me -- just for future reference. DON'T LIE TO ME. i'd actually rather hear whatever horrible thing that comes out of your mouth. no matter what it is. i'm actually really good at keeping secrets. you can really trust me with just about anything. the only one i'm likely to blab to is steven, and (just so you know) there are some things that i don't tell him. if you ask me not to, i won't.
well enough of the ranting. because this so called person who i'm mad at won't see this, so i'll stop being such a major bitch nugget. this weekend is going to probably top sam's birthday weekend. however, it will not and probably can't top twilight weekend, because...well let's face it -- nothing will ever top that weekend. not until november at least.
hobo and i (the nugget) are going to party like it's 1999 (but not really). with the exception of the forever nagging of the fact that i'm supposed to work on saturday, i'm free all weekend. but in reality, i couldn't even work saturday if i wanted to (which would NEVER happen) because the family is doing Easter a day early because my aunt and uncle are going out of town for the real thing on sunday. so forgetting about the work thing, it's going to be epic. full of awesomeness, but that's who we are -- we can't help it.
first things first. friday night will be (hopefully) awesome. starting early however, so not really the night. more like the afternoon. but still. definitely one, possibly 2 movies that day. if there's no work on saturday, another movie will happen then. here's the gameplan: OBSERVE AND REPORT, FAST AND FURIOUS and ADVENTURELAND. not particularly in that order, but that's a possibility. because i love seth rogen and anna faris, i have nothing (and i mean NOTHING) against vin diesel and paul walker driving fast cars, and both hobo and i LOVE THE KSTEW.
movies are currently showing up at my house left and right. i ordered them from and they just keep showing up. "harry potter and the goblet of fire (2 disc special edition)" showed up at the house yesterday, and today the epicness that is the KSTEW movie "the cake eaters" showed up today. i'm still waiting on 5 movies -- the rest of the hp series (1-3 and 5, all 2 discs) and fierce people. oh wow. did i mention that i got all of these movies, brand new, for 70 bucks, including shipping? i know, it's awesome.
oh, and today, my sister made me open all of the movies that i still hadn't touched yet. it's not that i don't want to watch them, it's just that i don't really have time. i think that there are only a couple of ones that i've bought recently that i haven't watched...they were just all sitting
i think that this is the longest post on this blog that i've ever done. wow. holy cow. i just looked around me, and i really need to clean my room and sort out some i also need to work on fixing my itunes library...yet again. and i have to do some laundry and figure out what i'm wearing for easter. oh dear. and i just saw eminem's new music video, and i think i may have lizzed in my pants a
oh, and i know this is going to seem like some sort of apocalyptic event, but i am seeing the hannah montana movie on friday during the day...i know. but i'm actually kind of curious. i keep telling people that it's stupid, but i'm seeing it...oops.
oh. last thing. apparently ET is on set in Vancouver getting exclusive stuff from the peeps who are working up there on New Moon. footage is supposed to air sometime soon...yay! our first peek at what is bound to be an amazing movie...i can't wait.
here's what i'll leave you with.
"i won't tell you that i love you. kiss and hug you. 'cause i'm bluffin', with my muffin. i'm not lying, i'm just stunnin' with my love glue-gunnin'. just like a chick in the casino, take your bank before i pay you out. i promise this, promise this. check this hand 'cause i'm marvelous."
oh GaGa.